Welcome to IONA Masjid

Your place of worship and learning

Welcome to IONA Masjid

Your place of worship and learning

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“Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of Calamity.” Tirmidhi

Daily Prayer Times

Asr Shafi
Asr Hanafi

Friday Prayer Times

Friday Khutbah

Listen to the latest khuthbah.

“The 13 Character Traits of a…”

Political Engagement and Voting

The importance of Political Participation and Voting has become increasingly relevant for Muslims living in North America and other minority settings—Particularly in light of the ongoing genocidal actions we arewitnessing in Gaza, Lebanon, and other parts of the Muslim world. The question arises: What is our responsi- bility as Muslim minorities in non-Muslim lands? What role should we play in the political process?
The Responsibility of Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil…

Aisha Bint Abu Bakr: A Trailblazer for Women's Rights - Part 1

Throughout history, Muslim women have played an immensely significant role, particularly during the time of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), who lived during the 7th century, and the rightly guided caliphs who followed in his footsteps. Aisha (RA) has earned the respect of millions of Muslims as the Prophet’s most adored wife. While this honorable affiliation certainly stands out, her life has also been characterized by a number of compelling incidents…

Metro Detroit Religious Leaders Call for Immediate End to Genocide in Gaza and WayneState University’s Divestment from Weapons Manufacturing

Imam Mustapha Elturk, Ameer of IONA, was among the religious leaders who gave a statement and offered a prayer. Other speakers included Rev. Bill Wylie-Kellermann of the Michigan Conference of the United Methodist Church, Pastor Paul Perez of the Central United Methodist Church – Detroit, Rev. Roslyn Bouier of Trinity-St. Mark’s, UCC, and Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi of the Islamic House of Wisdom.Pastor Perez stated, “Together our traditions share a common wisdom and truth…