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Daily Prayer Times

Asr Shafi
Asr Hanafi

Friday Prayer Times

Friday Khutbah

Listen to the latest khuthbah.

“The 13 Character Traits of a…”

The Hajj and the Legacy of Ibrahim (AS)

Every season of Hajj reminds us of the legacy of Ibrahim (AS), who, along with his son Ismail (AS), raised the Ancient House (al-Bayt al-Ateeq) or Ka’bah from its foundations to restore the worship of the One God.

Ibrahim (AS)’s search for truth began when he was a teenager living in the household of Azar—his father, who was engaged in the making and worshipping of idols. Guided by his pure nature, sound intellect, and rational mind, Ibrahim (AS) questioned his…

The Hajj and the Legacy of Ibrahim (AS)

Every season of Hajj reminds us of the legacy of Ibrahim (AS), who, along with his son Ismail (AS), raised the Ancient House (al-Bayt al-Ateeq) or Ka’bah from its foundations to restore the worship of the One God.
Ibrahim (AS)’s search for truth began when he was a teenager living in the household of Azar—his father, who was engaged in the making and worshipping of idols. Guided by his pure nature, sound intellect, and rational mind, Ibrahim (AS) …

IONA Stands in Solidarity with Student Encampment for Palestinian Liberation

The Islamic Organization of North America (IONA) proudly announces its unwavering support for the courageous students of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, who have taken a stand for justice and the liberation of the Palestinian people through their inspiring encampment.
On Sunday, May 5th, approximately 20 individuals from the IONA Masjid and Learning Center, joined together in a show of solidarity…