Interfaith Vigil Honors Chapel Hill Victims

Press Releases View PDF IONA participated in an interfaith vigil for the three young Muslim students, Deah Barakat, Yusor Abu-Salha, and Razan Abu-Salha, who were killed, execution style, in their apartment in Chapel Hill, NC, on February 10 in an apparent hate crime. The vigil was organized by the national Take on Hate campaign, the…

IONA Honored For Peacebuilding By Warren’s Interfaith Community

Press Releases View PDF Yesterday (Sunday, November 23, 2014), the IONA community led by Ameer Mustapha Elturk, was honored at the 7th Annual Warren Area Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration, “Building a Rainbow of Hope”, organized by the Interfaith Center for Racial Justice (ICRJ) and hosted by Renaissance Unity Church. The annual celebration brings the multi-religious and…

IONA Hosts Succeeding International Delegations From Afghanistan

Press Releases View PDF On September 18, 2014, IONA was the host of a large delegation from Afghanistan sponsored by the State department through the International Visitors Council (IVC). The group, which included five high-ranking political, governmental, and religious figures, came together at IONA to learn about our community and the services we provide as…

IONA Denounces Isis’ Declaration Of Caliphate

Press Releases View PDF The Islamic Organization of North America (IONA) condemns the barbaric and un-Islamic actions of the militant extremist terror group Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Their actions of beheading people and desecrating shrines and houses of worship is repugnant to the teachings of the Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be…

IONA Supports The Take On Hate Campaign

Press Releases View PDF Last night, at the Take on Hate rally event at the University of Michigan Dearborn campus, a host of politicians, including US congress people, Debbie Dingell, Andy Levin and Rashida Tlaib; Lieutenant Governor of Michigan, Garlin Gilchrist II; Christian, Jewish and Muslim clergy and community leaders were joined by activists and…

IONA’s Community Service Award Ceremony

Press Releases View PDF On Saturday, May 24, 2014, the Islamic Organization of North America (IONA) held a Community Service Award Ceremony, honoring two companies and three individuals for their volunteer work. State Senator Steven Bieda and Mayor James Fouts from Warren attended as honorary guests. The ceremony commenced with a verse from the Qur’an…

IONA, Part Of Abrahamic Faith Lecture

Press Releases View PDF On Tuesday night, March 12, St. Fabian Catholic Church in Farmington Hills hosted an interfaith event to discuss and compare the three major Abrahamic faith traditions. Imam Mustapha Elturk from the Islamic Organization of North America, IONA, spoke on Islam. The parish priest Father Jeffrey Day represented Christianity and reform Rabbi…

IONA Attends Warren City Zoning Board Of Appeals Meeting and Exercises Right To Free Speech and Protest

Press Releases View PDF On Wednesday night, March 13, the Zoning Board of Appeals in the city of Warren held a public hearing meeting with a large agenda. The room was packed with residents where the majority of them came to protest the request for a variance in order to allow a former strip club…