Welcome to IONA Masjid

Your place of worship and learning

Welcome to IONA Masjid

Your place of worship and learning



Dawah With Insight All Chapters

The Islamic Worldview

The Mystery of God's Creation

The Soul's Journey from Inception to Eternity

The Creation of Man

Why was I created?

The Story of Adam

Adam and the Two Forms of Knowledge

A Special Ceremony for a Special Man

Iblis the Devil

Satan, the Avowed Enemy

Adam in the Garden (Part 1)

Adam in the Garden (Part 2)

Adam, the First Prophet and Khalifah

Know Thyself

Death, the Inescapable Reality

The World of the Grave (Barzakh)

The Hour

Signs of the Day of Judgement

Signs of the Day of Judgement 1

Signs of the Day of Judgement 2

Signs of the Day of Judgement 3

Signs of the Day of Judgement 4