Welcome to IONA Masjid

Your place of worship and learning

Expansion Project

We are on a journey to transform ourselves and our surrounding communities to righteous, God-fearing people, who collectively strive for the highest moral standard and constantly seek forgiveness from our Lord to earn His pleasure. We seek His compassion and mercy in this life and in the hereafter. We rejuvenate our soul through internal struggle and spiritual exercise in worship of our creator Allah (SWT).

The strength of our belief in Allah (SWT) gives us the courage to establish good and forbid evil, thus promoting a system of justice for all mankind.
Our vision for the new center is to make it an expression of our commitment to the almighty Allah (SWT) in our mission to raise a strong and vibrant community of believers who can experience the joy and brotherhood/sisterhood in worshiping, learning, and engaging together for the sake of Allah (SWT).

Our aim is to make it an environmentally friendly and energy efficient center with a focus on strengthening our Iman (faith) and emphasizing our Islamic and family values.
In the last couple of years, we have experienced a four-fold increase in Jumuah attendance, reaching nearly 1,000 worshipers. To accommodate this growth we now conduct two Friday prayers (two jumuahs).

Due to our rigorous Islamic school program, we attract many children from all over southeast Michigan, more space is needed to accommodate the needs of our community. IONA also regularly organizes conferences and seminars, including the annual Islam, Sirah, and Qur’an conferences.

IONA is committed to adult education and lifelong learning to rejuvenate and renew our faith. Our adult education program provides courses in Arabic, Qur’an, Hadith, and Tajweed. In addition, a weekly Tafsir program is offered at the IONA Center, which is also webcast.

IONA holds many interfaith and open house events for the non-Muslim community. It is evident that the IONA center is devoted to its congregants and the community at large.

The space shortage prevents IONA from meeting the above mentioned needs. The expansion is a must in order to continue to meet the challenges our community faces. Your support is greatly needed and appreciated.
We have already renovated the acquired adjacent building to include banquet halls, a youth lounge, a funeral preparation facility, a quiet room for children, and storage area. The vacant land behind the building has already been transformed to a children’s playground.

The projects underway are the fence and gate around the Masjid and adjacent building and the renovation of the IONA Cafeteria.
Building an Islamic Center is one of the few opportunities to spend for the sake of Allah (SWT) without reservation. We are not simply building a masjid; we are creating a way of life. The Muslim community in North America has had many challenges, but few of them compare to how we decide to organize, live, and learn for our future in America. The challenge is to bravely envision a future for ourselves and our children where we can live as confident Muslims and maintain the strength of our family relations. Donate your time and money for the sake of Allah (SWT) to build a vibrant and purposeful spiritual community. Provide the answer to many souls that are thirsting for guidance and knowledge.

Immediate Goal:

We have renovated the roof on the IONA Annex and Kings Plaza, al-Hamdulillah!

Currently we are working on installing the gate around the Center to provide first and foremost security for the community. The IONA Cafeteria project is still under way and a professional surveillance camera system is being installed soon as well.

We appreciate your support.

IONA expansion project page under construction...