– The school begins on Monday, July 1, and ends on Thursday, August 22, in sha Allah
– We are accepting students ages 5 to 13
– School hours are from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, Monday through Thursday
– Qur’an, Hadith, Arabic and Sirah will be taught
– Tuition is $450 per child per summer, $675 for two siblings and $950 for three siblings (applies to brothers and sisters ONLY)
– A $50 non-refundable registration fee for each student paid at time of enrollment
– Dress code: Proper Islamic dress is required for both boys and girls. Girls must wear a navy jilbab and a white scarf and boys must wear navy pants (blue jeans allowed) and white shirts or T-shirts. No shorts allowed.
To register, use one of the options below:
IONA's objective is to help the Muslims of North America understand and fulfill their divinely ordained obligations, in order to please Allah (SWT) and thereby achieve success and salvation in the Hereafter.
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