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Your place of worship and learning

Welcome to IONA Masjid

Your place of worship and learning

Press Releases


IONA Condemns the Murder of George Floyd

(Warren, MI, 05/29/20) – The Islamic Organization of North America strongly condemns the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020. Our sincere condolence to the family of George Floyd.

The murder of George Floyd in broad daylight is outright criminal. We are reminded of the murder of Eric Garner, six years ago, when he begged for his life crying out, “I can’t breathe.” How many dying voices of, “I can’t breathe” will it take before police brutality ends?
The horrific murder of Floyd is the result of deep rooted, systemic racism toward African Americans. It is abhorrent and despicable. Human life is precious and sacred.
Killing one person is like killing all of humanity. Both the Bible and the Quran teach the sanctity of life. “And (do) not kill the soul which God has forbidden except through (due process) of law.” (Quran, 6:151)

The arrest of officer Chauvin responsible for the death of Floyd, and the charge of third-degree murder and manslaughter against him is a step in the right direction, but it is not enough.
The police brutality and systemic racism whether in Minnesota or anywhere, must end. Body cameras are not sufficient to end these vicious acts. Police departments and other agencies need to radically assess their policies and use of force and provide more training on combating both blatant and hidden prejudices. Racism and bigotry must be eradicated from our institutions and our hearts.
It is not enough to look at this murder and feel sorrow. We, as Muslims must be part of the solution, and not part of the problem. We must ask ourselves, what prejudices and biases do I harbor? And how am I going to examine myself truthfully to ensure I uphold the character of the Prophet (SAW), who spoke up against racism and the oppressed?
We must maintain an attitude of acceptance and never consider one’s own race or culture as superior to others. It is the diversity in races and cultures that make the human family so beautiful. Allah (SWT) says, “O mankind! We created you from a male and a female (Adam and Eve) and made you into nations and tribes so you may know one another (not that you may despise each other) verily, the most noble in the sight of God is he who is righteous.”
We, at the Islamic Organization of North America, offer our deepest sympathy to the family of George Floyd and we pray God provides them with much needed patience as they endure this loss. We also pray for peace and a world free of hate and bigotry.
Surely, to God we belong and to Him we shall return.
IONA, 28630 Ryan Rd., Warren, MI 48092 | Tel: 586-558-6900 | E-mail: center@iononline.org
IONA’s mission is to transform its members and help transform the surrounding communities to righteous, God-fearing people, who collectively strive for the highest moral standard and constantly seek forgiveness from our Creator to earn His pleasure. We seek His compassion and mercy in this life and in the hereafter. We rejuvenate our soul through internal struggle and spiritual exercise in worship of our creator God. The strength of our belief in God gives us the courage to establish good and forbid evil, thus promoting a system of justice for all mankind.