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Press Releases


IONA Embraces the Resiliency Projects

The Islamic Organization of North America (IONA) is one among many organizations that embraced the Resiliency Project initiated by the InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit (IFLC).
A group of concerned citizens, leaders of organizations and activists united to discuss the Resiliency Project. The large group of participants from every sector of society felt the need to unite against the anticipated rise in hate crimes as well as policies and other actions the new administration may implement that may be unjust and unconstitutional. The result is the following commitment statement.
Commenting on the project, Steve Mustapha Elturk, Imam and President of IONA stated, “We, at IONA, pledge to support the Resiliency Project with words and deeds.” When asked about collaborating with other organizations, he replied, “We have no choice but to come together and fight for our collective rights to freedom, equality and Justice. We, as people belonging to one human family, are obliged to stand together shoulder to shoulder in solidarity against all forms of hate, bigotry, prejudice and discrimination against any people, race or religion. This is our collective calling.”
We encourage you to engage and be part of the movement. You can do so by first endorsing the project by clicking here and when called you will join hands in action to combat the obstacle of discrimination.
We encourage our members and readers to be an active part of the movement. To endorse the statement please go to “Resiliency Project: Commitment Statement”[1] ,
IONA, 28630 Ryan Rd., Warren, MI 48092 | Tel: 586-558-6900 | E-mail: center@iononline.org
IONA’s mission is to transform its members and help transform the surrounding communities to righteous, God-fearing people, who collectively strive for the highest moral standard and constantly seek forgiveness from our Creator to earn His pleasure. We seek His compassion and mercy in this life and in the hereafter. We rejuvenate our soul through internal struggle and spiritual exercise in worship of our creator God. The strength of our belief in God gives us the courage to establish good and forbid evil, thus promoting a system of justice for all mankind.