On Tuesday night, March 12, St. Fabian Catholic Church in Farmington Hills hosted an interfaith event to discuss and compare the three major Abrahamic faith traditions. Imam Mustapha Elturk from the Islamic Organization of North America, IONA, spoke on Islam. The parish priest Father Jeffrey Day represented Christianity and reform Rabbi Michael Moskowitz from Temple Shir Shalom was there for Judaism.
More than 300 people attended the event. A group from the Muslim community attended to learn and interact with others. Qur’ans in English and IONA literature were made available for free to the audience. They disappeared within the first 20 minutes of the event. St. Fabian had also graciously laid out a nice table spread which made the evening even more welcoming.
IONA's objective is to help the Muslims of North America understand and fulfill their divinely ordained obligations, in order to please Allah (SWT) and thereby achieve success and salvation in the Hereafter.
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