Warren–August 15–Many local mosques have made
an effort to reach out to their local communities, and
just such an effort was this past weekend’s street fair
at the IONA mosque in Warren.
The mosque blocked off its large parking lot and
hosted vendors of food and clothing, and provided
health screenings to fair attendees.
“This is a changing community,” he went on to say, pointing out that just a few years ago Warren was overwhelmingly white and Christian, while now there are many different ethnicities and religious communities who have made the Detroit suburb their home, including a Buddhist community, people from the Hmong community, and of course many Muslims from the subcontinent and from the Arab world. As evidence of this and of the mutual goodwill in the area, Reverend Curro (Exec. Director of the ICRJ) and also two Buddhist monks in saffron robes were at the fair.
IONA's objective is to help the Muslims of North America understand and fulfill their divinely ordained obligations, in order to please Allah (SWT) and thereby achieve success and salvation in the Hereafter.
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